Panel constructor

Select a product

* any image in .jpg format
Lay out the panel
Save * *click to save the result
Width (mm)
Height (mm)

An image will appear here after the panel is laid out.

Your image is laid out, you can save it

How does it work?

3 easy steps:
1. Specify the size of the panel in mm
2. Download a picture (the image must match the panel in aspect ratio)
3. Click the "Lay out" button and wait

Click “Add color” button: * The color picker will open.
Click “Lay out the mix” button.
Click “To Save” button: * Click to save the result.

Enter ratio

* in the amount of 100%

reset all colors

* Your image will appear here after the mix layout

Your mix is laid out, you can save it

How does it work?

3 easy steps:
1. Select the desired mix colors (press the "Add color" button)
2. Specify the percentage of each of the colors (the total should be 100%)
3. Click the "Lay out" button and wait

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