Panel constructor
Select a product
Width (mm)
Height (mm)
An image will appear here after the panel is laid out.
Your image is laid out, you can save it
How does it work?
3 easy steps:
1. Specify the size of the panel in mm
2. Download a picture (the image must match the panel in aspect ratio)
3. Click the "Lay out" button and wait
Click “Add color” button:
* The color picker will open.
Click “Lay out the mix” button.
Click “To Save” button:
* Click to save the result.
Enter ratio
* in the amount of 100%
reset all colors* Your image will appear here after the mix layout
Your mix is laid out, you can save it
How does it work?
3 easy steps:
1. Select the desired mix colors (press the "Add color" button)
2. Specify the percentage of each of the colors (the total should be 100%)
3. Click the "Lay out" button and wait